Global Null Controllability of the 1-Dimensional Nonlinear Slow Diffusion Equation


Jean-Michel CORON,Jes´us Ildefonso D´IAZ,Abdelmalek DRICI,Tommaso MINGAZZINI.Global Null Controllability of the 1-Dimensional Nonlinear Slow Diffusion Equation[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2013,34(3):333~344
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Jean-Michel CORON; Jes′us Ildefonso D′IAZ; Abdelmalek DRICI; Tommaso MINGAZZINI;


the ITN FIRST of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community (No. 238702), the ERC advanced grant 266907 (CPDENL) of the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7), DGISPI of Spain (ProjectMTM2011-26119) and the Research Group MOMAT (No. 910480) supported by UCM.
Abstract: The authors prove the global null controllability for the 1-dimensional nonlinear slow diffusion equation by using both a boundary and an internal control. They assume that the internal control is only time dependent. The proof relies on the return method in combination with some local controllability results for nondegenerate equations and rescaling techniques.


Nonlinear control, Nonlinear slow diffusion equation, Porous medium equation


35L65, 35L567
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