Bifurcation Analysis of the Multiple FlipsHomoclinic Orbit


Tiansi ZHANG,Deming ZHU.Bifurcation Analysis of the Multiple FlipsHomoclinic Orbit[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2015,36(1):91~104
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Tiansi ZHANG; Deming ZHU;


the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11126097).
Abstract: A high-codimension homoclinic bifurcation is considered with one orbit flip and two inclination flips accompanied by resonant principal eigenvalues. A local active coordinate system in a small neighborhood of homoclinic orbit is introduced. By analysis of the bifurcation equation, the authors obtain the conditions when the original flip homoclinic orbit is kept or broken. The existence and the existence regions of several double periodic orbits and one triple periodic orbit bifurcations are proved. Moreover, the complicated homoclinic-doubling bifurcations are found and expressed approximately.


Orbit flip, Inclination flips, Homoclinic orbit, Resonance


37C29, 34C23, 34C37
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