Rational Structure of X(N) over Qand Explicit Galois Action on CM Points


Tonghai YANG.Rational Structure of X(N) over Qand Explicit Galois Action on CM Points[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2016,37(6):821~832
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Tonghai YANG;


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grants (No.DMS-1200380, DMS-1500743) and the Chinese Qian Ren Plan of Tsinghua (No.543100001).
Abstract: This paper reviews a less known rational structure on the Siegel modular variety $X(N) =\Gamma(N) \backslash \H_g$ over $\Q$ for integers $g, N \ge 1$. The author then describes explicitly how Galois groups act on CM points on this variety. Finally, another proof of the Shimura reciprocity law by using the result and the $q$-expansion principle is given.


modular variety, Galois action, Explicit reciprocity law


11G18, 14G40, 11F67
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