Double Biproduct Hom-Bialgebra and Related Quasitriangular Structures


Tianshui MA,Haiying LI,Linlin LIU.Double Biproduct Hom-Bialgebra and Related Quasitriangular Structures[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2016,37(6):929~950
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Tianshui MA; Haiying LI;Linlin LIU


This work was supported by the Henan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No.17A110007) and the Foundation for Young Key Teacher by Henan Province (No.2015GGJS-088).
Abstract: Let $(H, \b)$ be a Hom-bialgebra such that $\b^2={\rm id}_H$. $(A, \aa)$ is a Hom-bialgebra in the left-left Hom-Yetter-Drinfeld category $_H^H{\mathbb{YD}}$ and $(B, \ab)$ is a Hom-bialgebra in the right-right Hom-Yetter-Drinfeld category ${\mathbb{YD}}_H^H$. The authors define the two-sided smash product Hom-algebra $(A\natural H\natural B, \aa\o \b\o \ab)$ and the two-sided smash coproduct Hom-coalgebra $(A\diamond H\diamond B, \aa\o \b\o \ab)$. Then the necessary and sufficient conditions for $(A\natural H\natural B, \aa\o \b\o \ab)$ and $(A\diamond H\diamond B, \aa\o \b\o \ab)$ to be a Hom-bialgebra (called the double biproduct Hom-bialgebra and denoted by $(A^{\natural}_{\diamond} H^{\natural}_{\diamond} B,\aa\o \b\o \ab)$) are derived. On the other hand, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the smash coproduct Hom-Hopf algebra $(A\diamond H,\aa\o \b)$ to be quasitriangular are given.


Double biproduct, Hom-Yetter-Drinfeld category, Radford's biproduct, Hom-Yang-Baxter equation


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