Torsion in the Cohomology of Torus Orbifolds


Hideya KUWATA,Mikiya MASUDA,Haozhi ZENG.Torsion in the Cohomology of Torus Orbifolds[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2017,38(6):1247~1268
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Hideya KUWATA; Mikiya MASUDA;Haozhi ZENG


This work was supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.25400095).
Abstract: The authors study torsion in the integral cohomology of a certain family of $2n$-dimensional orbifolds $X$ with actions of the $n$-dimensional compact torus. Compact simplicial toric varieties are in our family. For a prime number $p$, the authors find a necessary condition for the integral cohomology of $X$ to have no $p$-torsion. Then it is proved that the necessary condition is sufficient in some cases. The authors also give an example of $X$ which shows that the necessary condition is not sufficient in general.


Toric orbifold, Cohomology, Torsion


55N10, 57S15, 14M25
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