Topology of Moment-Angle Manifolds Arising fromFlag Nestohedra


Ivan LIMONCHENKO.Topology of Moment-Angle Manifolds Arising fromFlag Nestohedra[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2017,38(6):1287~1302
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The work was supported by the General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No.2016M601486).
Abstract: The author constructs a family of manifolds, one for each $n\geq 2$, having a nontrivial Massey $n$-product in their cohomology for any given $n$. These manifolds turn out to be smooth closed 2-connected manifolds with a compact torus $\mathbb T^m$-action called moment-angle manifolds $\mathcal Z_P$, whose orbit spaces are simple $n$-dimensional polytopes $P$ obtained from an $n$-cube by a sequence of truncations of faces of codimension 2 only (2-truncated cubes). Moreover, the polytopes $P$ are flag nestohedra but not graph-associahedra. The author also describes the numbers $\beta^{-i,2(i+1)}(Q)$ for an associahedron $Q$ in terms of its graph structure and relates it to the structure of the loop homology (Pontryagin algebra) $H_{*}(\Omega\mathcal Z_Q)$, and then studies higher Massey products in $H^{*}(\mathcal Z_Q)$ for a graph-associahedron $Q$.


Moment-angle manifold, Flag nestohedra, Stanley-Reisner ring, Massey products, Graph-associahedron


13F55, 55S30, 52B11
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