On Uniform Large Deviations Principle for Multi-valued SDEs via the Viscosity Solution Approach


Jiagang REN,Jing WU.On Uniform Large Deviations Principle for Multi-valued SDEs via the Viscosity Solution Approach[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics B,2019,40(2):285~308
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Jiagang REN; Jing WU


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.11471340, 11671408, 11871484) and the Pearl River Nova Program of Guangzhou (No.201710010045).
Abstract: This paper deals with the uniform large deviations for multivalued stochastic differential equations (MSDEs for short) by applying a stability result of the viscosity solutions of second order Hamilton-Jacobi-Belleman equations with multivalued operators. Moreover, the large deviation principle is uniform in time and in starting point.


Multivalued stochastic differential equation, Large deviationprinciple, Viscosity solution, Exponential tightness, Laplace limit


60H10, 60F10, 49L25
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